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Very cute!


Those are so cute!! Great job! And yes that always happens to me ugh or I loose EVERYTHING haha

Linda burt

Absolutely! The pressure of it all. Did you take a break? Have a glass of wine? You did good girlfriend! I'd take it they were gifts for people today!
Enjoy your handy work!

Ricki Jill Treleaven

I think they turned out adorable. You are very talented and creative. I loooooooooove the pink on pink on pink on pink one! Some one(s) a lucky duck to receive them :D

Pam @ Our Adventures in Home Improvement

They are so cute! I really love the top left one! You are amazingly talented. And for me, everytime I take my machine out, there is a lot of stress! :)


Oh! I love those! They are so gorgeous! Angie xo


They are so nice...you did a GREAT job!


oh man, they are soooo beautiful!!!

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